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Key stage two consists of lower key-stage two (which includes years 3 and 4) and upper key-stage two (which includes years 5 and 6). KS2 covers all compulsory national curriculum subjects. These are English, Maths, Science, RE, History, Geography, Computing, PE, Art and Design and Music.

In key stage two, children learn to work in a more structured and formal way. However, there is still an emphasis on fun and creativity, allowing children the opportunity to express themselves. As throughout the school, there continues to be a strong focus on reading, with children taking part in focussed reading sessions over the course of the week. In addition, pupils are encouraged to read at home and sign their reading records. In lower KS2, parents are encouraged to monitor this daily reading and sign the record themselves. In upper KS2, the children are responsible for reading daily as well as recording. This is in order to foster independence and is in line with our value of responsibility. Spellings are displayed within classrooms and children are made aware of weekly spellings and any new focus words.


We want all children to achieve their very best and believe that this can be achieved if they are both happy in their learning environment and secure in their relationships (peers and adults). When we work together, we support each other to grow and flourish into unique individuals as per our vision. We aspire to achieve this not only in key stage 2 but also across the school.