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Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a pivotal part of each school day when our children and staff meet, to think, reflect and pray by invitation. Biblical teaching, alongside our school’s Christian vision and values, are incorporated into collective worship throughout the week. Our strong links with St James's Church, means that Reverend Ian leads an Act of Worship each week and enhances the learning  and teaching of the theme through his religious knowledge and expertise. 

Throughout the week, worship is a time for us to be together as a community.  Collective Worship is led by the Executive head once a week through singing worship and the Head of School through the Christian timetable and that of our vision and values. Each term, a class led collective worship takes place as each class are the ambassadors for the 1/2 termly value. We also have 'Pathways', a Christian organisation that come in once a 1/2 term to lead collective worship and teach the children  an aspect of learning from the bible.  Here are some images from our collective worships: